Tulsa Women's Health Care
Procedures & Services provided by Tulsa Women’s Health Care include gynecologic yearly exams, endometrial ablations for heavy menstrual bleeding, infertility consult and management (including ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination), sterilization procedures, daVinci Robotic/microinvasive surgery, Sotto Pelle hormone replacement therapy, contraception, in-office ultrasounds for gynecology, routine and high risk obstetrical care.

In Office Ultrasounds
We provide ultrasounds in your exam room for all of our OB patients and as needed for gynecological appointments. Ultrasounds help monitor fetal development, and can detect uterine and ovarian disorders.

Family Planning
All of our providers offer infertility consultation, medications, ultrasounds, IUI's (Intrauterine Inseminations,) and diagnostic surgeries when needed. We also help same sex couples connect with cryobanks and perform IUI's in office.

Annual Exams
Our physicians can help get you up to date on your annual breast exam and pap smear. We offer in office labs that can be done the same day as your appointment. We can also help you schedule your mammogram, bone density, and refer you for colonoscopy as needed.

In Office Labratory
In office laboratory technician from Diagnostic Lab of Oklahoma

Surgery Consultations
Our board-certified OB/GYNs, offer minimally invasive surgery options, including robotic surgery, whenever possible to improve your potential health outcomes. Call our office for an appointment if you need gynecological surgery and want to explore your minimally invasive options.

In Office Procedures
Up to date procedure room for Colposcopies, Leeps, Vulvar Biopsies, Laparoscopies, Labiaplasties, botox, and circumcisions as needed. Contact our office to inquire on any procedures you may need.

Birth Control
Our office understands that every woman has different birth control needs, so we make sure you have plenty of options. To learn more about which type of birth control is right for you, call the office or schedule an appointment.

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Many women feel anxious about menopause. While menopause does come with some unwelcome symptoms, the good news is that these unpleasant physical and emotional changes after your period ends are manageable. There are many different hormone replacement therapy options to help women during menopause such as Sotto Pelle pellets, creams and medications. Call to schedule your hormone consult today to discuss these options.

Botox® Cosmetic is the first and only FDA-approved treatment to temporarily smooth moderate to severe forehead lines, crow’s feet lines and frown lines in adults. To learn more about treating your fine lines and wrinkles with Botox, call us today.